Mycroft with Google AIY Voice kit disk image

thank you for the beautiful gift!!!


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I’m really looking forward to trying this with the Google AIY kit sitting on my workbench back home.

Thank you so much for making this change! @KathyReid and @nate-mycroft - can we arrange to get @tjoen a free Mark I to play with?

@tjoen - I’d love to see if we can get the Chromecast and Sonos software you’ve built into the default PiCroft and Mark I images ( in fact - it would be great to merge the Google AIY image with PiCroft so PiCroft supports AIY out-of-the-box).

Do you have any interest in working on a project like that?


Would love to. @tjoen email me over @ and we will get everything ready to go! Thanks again, this sounds great.

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Yes, I would be very interested!
And thank you ,can’t wait to tinker and test with the mark 1!

I’ll send my contact details to nate!

Kind regards,

Heja there,

was trying to bring up my voicekit with the picroft image too. What about an shell script with the needed steps on the enclosure-picroft grithub?

Also i cant get it to work on clean raspbian stretch. Guessing it has something to do with the new audio implementation of raspbian there?

best regards,

Though about that too. I made this image with the default jessie image mentioned here:

Updated the kernel, and took the steps are mentioned in the other thread here:

I also tried installing on stretch some time back, ran into some ssl problems in python. But even when I fixed those problems, one still has to deal with the fixed versions in the requirements.txt of mycroft. I ran into python problems and I could not get it working.

I didn’t even got that far! Was still trying to get output and input working on stretch.
On jessie i at last got all up and working… after a reboot i was back on output only. Currently trying out your image to figure out the errors.

hmm… in your image what aiyproject branch you are using?
also, i initialy used the prebuild mycroft image instead of building it freshly. There has to be some difference but i cant nail it.

Ah. I’m stopping that for today. Now i have everything up but mycroft isn’t resolving the intends while it’s hearing and translating me perfectly. #NotMyDay

I did a git clone of
then sudo scripts/
and sudo scripts/

Hmmm, could be the modules not loading?

Also check the /boot/config.txt
I posted mine in the other thread,

So just the output is working right?

Starting with the default picroft, you should be able to do this:

# Install google AIY voicehat for use with mycroft 

#Install prereqs
sudo apt-get -y install alsa-utils rsync libttspico-utils ntpdate

#Clone git
git clone voice-recognizer-raspi

#connect the hardware
cd /voice-recognizer-raspi
sudo scripts/
sudo scripts/
sudo reboot

#Update kernel version to 4.9
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install rpi-update
sudo rpi-update
sudo reboot

# aplay -l and arecord -l should now both be seeing the voicehat

# load mic default

sudo vi /etc/modules
# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
# This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
# at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored


sudo vi boot/config.txt

# Uncomment some or all of these to enable the optional hardware interfaces

# Uncomment this to enable the lirc-rpi module

# Additional overlays and parameters are documented /boot/overlays/README

# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)

sudo vi /etc/pulse/
uncomment and change:
load-module module-alsa-sink device="hw:0"
load-module module-alsa-source device="hw:0,0"

kind regards, Tjoen

Thx again. Will try it again. I used the voicemail branch while you’re using the master branch as it seems. Maybe that’s the problem.
Meanwhile I think there is definitely some issues with stretch and new audio implementation there. Raspbians docs are pretty detailed about those changes but hadn’t time to play around.
Any word from Mycroft team on that case?

I’m having some trouble with this image as well. I think the failure to identify intent has to do with the skills re-loading on boot. If you wait a few minutes for that to complete it seems to work fine.

I’m pretty excited about this and took some time to build one, flash the image over and test it out. I also added some vinyl stickers just for fun.

Works pretty well all in all.

Steve is looking at pulling support for AIY into Picroft Master so, hopefully, this will work out of the box in the next couple of weeks.


I installed MyCroft via the image above on my Google AIY Voicekit.
I got some “problems” understanding the activation code out of that what MyCroft did say.
Maybe for other new users it could be displayed on the console of the Pi?
I didnt see also the code if I did connect my Tablet to the Wifi-Accesspoint of MyCroft, because he brought me to the registering url on the web, but didnt fill in the code for himself :frowning:

But without installing any additionally skills (by now) it did work fine :slight_smile:

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Yes, loading the skills seems to take some time, and it also checks for updates on boot.
On the console you can see that happening.

Maybe it would be handy to have some "skills.loaded"
message so you show a visual cue with the button that all skills are loaded?

I now start the button with, which listens to the websocket.
I could then use the skills loaded message and change the button light indicating that it is ready and all skills have been loaded…

I love that fact that you build the device and tried the image!

And great news that Steve is going to look at AIY support!

kind regards, tjoen

Yes, I will look in to this some more. In some tests the wifi setup does not reboot. After a manual reboot, it does speak the code, but no indication on the terminal.

Not sure if the wifi setup also copies the registration code. I don’t think it does,

I always installed the skills with msm from the commandline, either through ssh or on the terminal.
That does actually work,

pi@picroft:~ $ msm install
Searching for for ''...installing
Installing from:
Cloning into 'skill-dutchradio'...
remote: Counting objects: 39, done.
remote: Total 39 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 39
Unpacking objects: 100% (39/39), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Installed: skill-dutchradio

You should be able to install new skills this way,

Hi tjoen,
I’m having issues unzipping the image file - keep getting CRC errors like the download is corrupt. Have downloaded several times :frowning: any chance you could post an md5 of the zip file or maybe double check the uploaded zip please?
Thank you in advance! am really looking forward to having a look at this!

Thank you for your work! :slight_smile:

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Ouch, sorry about that. I’ll check the zip, reupload and check the md5.
Give me about an hour, google drive upload is terribly slow.

Kind regards,

Uploaded the new image file. The MD5 checksum of the .img file is 06f45d0c3e1c1397c78aa0f1d02c38f8
Took about an hour and a half. Google throttles the upload to force you into a paid account, that’s evilcorp in action for you.

I might be a bit biased, our Youtube channel just got kicked out the partner program (again) for not having enough subscribers and hours viewed. Google seems be orchestrating a huge coverup to hide what’s happening, this blogpost gives you some more background info on this matter.

It surely made me see the real evilness of this huge company,
and the real need to move your data and services elsewhere fast.

Ah well, I will stop ranting now before they sue me. :wink:

Kind regards,

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Thank you so much!! I will be putting this on all my kits! :smiley:


Perfect, thank you! :smiley: