Actually get GoVivace?

Hi, I’ve been experimenting with Mycroft on a Raspberry PI but I ultimately want a totally offline solution, so I’ve been looking at the best way to do high-quality offline STT.

I see in the documentation that MyCroft supports a third-party STT engine called GoVivace that can be hosted locally…but I reached out to GoVivace and they said they don’t license the software for consumer applications. It’s a business-scale software.

So, who is actually using GoVivace for Mycroft and how did you get it?

Hi Bran,

We should probably make this more explicit in the docs. As far as I know they only provide commercial level licenses. I haven’t heard of anyone running it for personal usage.

For personal usage you’re looking at DeepSpeech or Kaldi. There are also some community plugins available on PyPI for services like Vosk. These haven’t been verified by Mycroft so a standard disclaimer applies - if you install code from the internet, you’re responsible for what that does.

I haven’t tried Coqui STT but I’d assume that would work as a DeepSpeech alternative ie just use the DeepSpeech module but point it at your Coqui install.

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I did the integration, i was asked in mattermost to do it (i assume) by someone from the company, i was given a demo key to test it out