American Male voice - fallback to Allan Pope

Hey there, thanks for flagging this, after some investigations my hypothesis is that it’s an issue in the cache.

I currently don’t have access to that system, but if it’s what I think it is, will hopefully have it resolved when the Americans wake up.


I know this is a very old thread – but for the last 2 days I am having exactly the problem described here. I tried deleting the cache as mentioned above, and had no change. The audio log shows http 500 errors, such as:

2022-01-27 19:18:09.664 | INFO | 1591 | | Speak: It’s currently clear sky and 20 degrees fahrenheit.
Playing WAVE ‘/tmp/mycroft/cache/tts/Mimic2/a18ba8f65e41175ee80cd18448d887ec.wav’ : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 22000 Hz, Mono
2022-01-27 19:18:13.293 | INFO | 1591 | | Speak: Today’s forecast is for a high of 20 and a low of -11.
2022-01-27 19:18:13.379 | ERROR | 1591 | | Backend returned HTTP status 500
Playing WAVE ‘/tmp/mycroft/cache/tts/Mimic/1875b6c4b39a73a5bc04b392f045cbae.wav’ : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Mono

It’s actually a little funny sometimes – I asked for the weather in the example above and got the current info in the American voice, and the forecast in the British one. :slight_smile:

Just wondering is anybody has any insights as to what I can do to stop this. I don’t really want to switch to the google voice … kind of defeats the purpose of choosing Mycroft…

I seem to be having the same problem with the voice switching intermittently between the two voices. Also seeing 500 errors. Recently switched to Raspberry Pi OS 64bit as a test so I thought it was something with my setup. Didn’t happen with the original Picroft image.

When I mentioned that to @ChrisVeilleux last Friday is answered this (on the chat).

Maybe the issue is back again :confused:

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Thanks for the info – it was still happening as of yesterday (2/1/22). I ended up setting up coqui on an old laptop last night. It’s a little slower, but at least it gives a consistent and understandable voice. I’ll keep using that.

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This has been a long-running problem and needs to be handled with a less-fragile solution.


Totally agree, monitoring is the key!

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