Compare Mycroft’s available voices

Originally published at: Compare Mycroft’s available voices - Mycroft

Voice is a personal choice.

That’s why we give you a range of voice options for your Mycroft device, matching your personal style and preference.

And coming in April 2018, you'll be able to choose from an additional voice using Mimic 2 - our state of the art Text to Speech engine! Mimic 2 is built using next-generation machine learning technology, learning from tens of thousands of samples, to produce a rich, resonant and human-sounding voice.

Moreover, Mimic 2 will allow us to build new voices quicker and easier.

Compare our voice options below with Google and Alexa and choose the voice that's right for you.

"It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it I'm not going to be silent." - Madeline Albright

Mimic (British Male Voice)

[audio wav=“”][/audio]


Mimic II (Available April 2018)

[audio wav=“”][/audio]



[audio wav=“”][/audio]



[audio wav=“”][/audio]

"Be a voice, not an echo." - Albert Einstein

Mimic (British Male Voice)

[audio wav=“”][/audio]


Mimic II (Available April 2018)

[audio wav=“”][/audio]


[audio wav=“”][/audio]



[audio wav=“”][/audio]


"The human voice is the most perfect instrument of all" - Arvo Part

Mimic (British Male Voice)

[audio wav=“”][/audio]


Mimic II (Available April 2018)

[audio wav=“”][/audio]


[audio wav=“”][/audio]



[audio wav=“”][/audio]


"I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that." - (H.A.L.)

Mimic (British Male Voice)

[audio wav=“”][/audio]


Mimic II (Available April 2018)

[audio wav=“”][/audio]



[audio wav=“”][/audio]



[audio wav=“”][/audio]


"This cake is great. It's so delicious and moist." - GlaDOS

Mimic (British Male Voice)

[audio wav=“”][/audio]


Mimic II (Available April 2018)

[audio wav=“”][/audio]



[audio wav=“”][/audio]



[audio wav=“”][/audio]


Wow what a different. Mimic II sounds great and I cannot wait to test it live.
Great Job!


Yeah, pretty awesome multi-talented team! We can’t wait for it either :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the hard work you put into this, Kathy.

I love this. I have gone back several times to listen. It is helpful for those of us who are less techie to understand this.

Big ups to @Mn0491 too who did all the voice recordings

I love the new voices, but I’ve also developed a fondness for the current ap voice the Mycroft has. Will the original ap voice be available on the Mark II, and will there be a “ap 2.0” option? It would be cool to get a new version of the original voice.

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Hey Kathy-

Any update on Mimic II? I’ve still got Alan Pope on my Picroft.


We’re still training the new Amy voice - perhaps @derick-mycroft might have a more accurate ETA?

I just successfully compiled the available mimic on my ubuntu 18.04.
Is there a german voice available.
As far as i can see there is no german voice available - also looked here:

As i look for an offline solution i would have to buy a german voice by cepstral.

Any news when mimic II will be on Mark I?
