How Long Will this Forum Remain Active

Given the status of MycroftAI, how long will this forum remain alive? I presume it’s being hosted somewhere the company manages or the hosting is paid for. Are those reponsibilities being shared by the Neon/OVOS partners in addition to moderation?

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Similar questions remain for the documentation. Is that knowledge mirrored somewhere, and what guarantee do we have that it will remain active?

Just wondering if people in the community should bootstrap another hub and archive the information that might be useful in a way that remains accessible.

Most of the relevant documentation is in git repos, though it’s a good point that we should check who has recent copies. It also becomes less relevant as time passes and the OVOS docs improve.

Control and moderation of this forum was handed over to Neon. I defer to Clary re: the infrastructure, but we have no reason to fear it might go down. If that seems like it might become a possibility, OVOS will spin up an OVOS forum.


Well, I’ve just updated my fork of their docs, just in case.

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This forum is important to the community, and will stay up. Neon AI has taken on the responsibility of admin and moderator roles.

At this time, Mycroft AI continues to host and own the forum, and there are no plans for that to change.

OVOS’s support of the community has been absolutely invaluable, even right here giving a great example of @ChanceNCounter getting a quick reply (& fork) up for the documentation side.

Thank you to all our active community members here. A forum is nothing without users. This is an excellent forum because of its active, supportive, friendly community. Thank you all for bringing your questions and offering your ideas! :slight_smile:


Hi @NeonClary
Thanks for continuing forum support . Does this include support of /

There seems to be a bug in the skills settings - the checkboxes don’t work (can’t check/uncheck them).

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With regard to the web site, Neon only took over the forums. OVOS can help you with skill configuration. We don’t have a replacement for Selene, but we do have a selfhost option and an on-device option.

Mycroft made noises when the shuttering began which indicated that Selene will go down at some point. I’m not surprised it’s misbehaving. I’ll give the rest of the OVOS team a heads up about the situation.