I seem to have multiple Mycroft voices today

My Mycroft (Picroft) has been behaving until I booted it a couple of days ago. It started responding twice, with each voice separated by about 1 second.

Today it is even worse. If I say “Hey Mycroft…IP address” I get 4 guys all speaking (almost like a Barber Shop Quartet!).

Just in case it was the audio output feeding back into the input, I disconnected the mic and used cli, but with the same result.

Note that each day I start Mycroft it spends some time updating the software, so I think this problem is due to a recent update.

If I’m the only one with this problem, I will investigate further. But if others are getting it, I’ll log it and wait for a fix. So please let me know if you also have this problem (…and what is the record number of voices?)

Hey @stevedee.
What version of the software are you running? We recently released 0.8.18, which should have fixed some things.
One issue with 0.8.17 was that the services wouldn’t die do to some new signal handling that the init scripts wouldn’t catch.
What happens if you reboot?


Thanks Arron, it looks like 0.8.17 may have been the problem.

When it booted today with version 0.8.18, Mycroft seems to be on his own again, speaking with just one voice!