Installing on Debian "Buster", AMD64

Apologies if this is an FAQ., or even a Frequently Unanswered Question.

I’ve had Mycroft on a Thinkpad T61 for almost a year, but I upgraded the OS on it a couple of months ago and as I understand it the hardware is now too old to be compatible without poorly-documented hacks. In any event, it’s probably more useful on my development desktop now that I’ve got some degree of confidence that it’s not about to wreck things.

I’ve just run this sequence of commands, with the result as shown.

Working in /usr/local

# mkdir mycroft-core
# chown markMLl:staff mycroft-core
# exit

$ git clone --depth 1
Cloning into 'mycroft-core'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 732, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (732/732), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (490/490), done.
remote: Total 732 (delta 50), reused 473 (delta 14), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (732/732), 9.37 MiB | 379.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (50/50), done.

$ cd mycroft-core

Now in /usr/local/mycroft-core

$ bash

                    Welcome to Mycroft!  

This script is designed to make working with Mycroft easy.  During this
first run of dev_setup we will ask you a few questions to help setup
    your environment.

Do you want to run on 'master' or against a dev branch?  Unless you are
a developer modifying mycroft-core itself, you should run on the
'master' branch.  It is updated bi-weekly with a stable release.
  Y)es, run on the stable 'master' branch
  N)o, I want to run unstable branches
Choice [Y/N]:  Y - using 'master' branch 
error: pathspec 'master' did not match any file(s) known to git

Any comments would be appreciated.


why the --depth 1 option? Can you try git clone instead.

Removing the --depth appears to work, but why the Devil should I have to? The last time I installed Mycroft it was happy enough with a shallow clone, and since I am not involved- at present at least- as a developer I really don’t see why I should have to get the entire archive.

Maybe to get the whole thing so it works as expected?

Fair comment :slight_smile:

Well, it worked up to the point that it asked me to enter the pairing code into the website, and after that won’t start. The debug screen shows

mycroft.messagebus.client.client:on_open:67 | Connected

at the bottom with the cursor positioned beyond/below the final “d” (i.e. as though it’s just got a 0x0a without a 0x0d). Logs show

ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused
2019-10-11 14:23:55.572 | ERROR | 7211 |

Logs suggest that it’s having trouble connecting to Jack, but I note that Debian’s now reporting

The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:

I’ll wipe the Mycroft installation and start over, but this is turning out to be much more hassle than it was when I installed (almost a) year ago and I can’t justify spending much time on it.