Konnex domotica integrator

Hi to all, this is my fist time…
I have a konnex home automation system that I would like to control with mark 2 that speaks in Italian. It’s possible?
Thanks for your reply. I am a beginner I recently discovered mycroft and I love it.

Hi @Muttley & welcome! :partying_face:

Do you mean KNX? (if not sorry for the rest of this message)

If yes, the solution could be to install Home Assistant (which has KNX integration) somewhere and then install the Mycroft Home Assistant skill to command Home Assistant.

Mycroft Home Assistant skill as a translation for Italian language.

  1. Home Assistant KNX integration: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/knx/
  2. Mycroft skill: https://market.mycroft.ai/skills/af6c0e65-0ec4-4481-a2c8-4991d08fca9b
  3. Italian translation: https://github.com/MycroftAI/skill-homeassistant/tree/20.08/vocab/it-it

Hi goldyfruit neace to meet you.
Thanks very much for your support. Great but it’s the same read like japanese for me.
My son call me “Nabbo” because i haven’t skill for this.
Yes Konnex is knx. If i understand what you tolto me, i will speak in italian with mark 2, that without home assistant make operation in my knx system. If it is how home assistant speak with knx system?
Thank for your help. If you want i make a cake for you :slight_smile: