[Languages] Change Mycroft's language

Skill name: change-language

User story:

As a user that want to test or develop or use Mycroft for the 1st time,
I want it to talk using my home language without having manual configuration to do,
in order to enjoy mycroft even if I’m not fluent in English

What third party services, data sets or platforms will the Skill interact with?
External resources required to install a language, such as described for example in:

Are there similar Mycroft Skills already?
Could not find any

What will the user Speak to trigger the Skill?

  • Let’s talk in [Language name]
  • Change language to [language name]

What phrases will Mycroft Speak?

  • Are you sure you want us to discuss in [language] ?
  • Sorry, this language is not available yet
  • I will now be speaking in [Language]. To go back to English, just say “Let’s talk in English”

What Skill Settings will this Skill need to store?

  • Language selection

Other comments?

Even if other languages are not ready yet / stable, I think it would greatly improve adoption and even development now.

  • As a tech user that just wanted to test it using docker, I cannot see where we’re at for my home language without doing full installation and configuration,
  • As a non-tech user that does not speak english well, I won’t be able to do anything fun with it, not even asking for the time or weather…

Ideas and opinions are welcome!

Have a good day

I think Mycroft should have by default a set of language triggers in each own supported language, so one can say in his/her own language for example:

  • Let’s talk in english
  • Hablemos en castellano
  • Parlons en français
  • Parlem en català

    And so on, and Mycroft should self-configure into the recogniced language.

Great suggestion, @malevolent.

Don’t hesitate to vote for it ! :smiley:

cool idea. Unfortunately, I have no time to write a skill for it. if anyone is interested in the configuration skill there are good code examples for the modification of mycroft.conf

The Neon AI OS will respond in the language, or two languages, of your choice. 20+ languages are currently supported. Just say “Hey Neon, change my primary language to ____” or “Hey Neon, change my secondary language to ____.”

The work needed now is to translate skills into other languages in order to accept verbal input from the user in languages other than English.

That project has been or is about to be started in:

Please respond here or email me at clary@neon.ai to start translation for another language, or be connected to an existing group!


I would like to add that tinkerers would be well advised to stick with Neon’s approach, not only because it’s such a robust solution, but because the more open-ended alternative has a great big caveat which has kept OVOS from shipping it:

Without a bilingual Assistant, in addition to a language switcher, you need a foolproof way for users to switch back, or else they might get their Assistant stuck in a language the user doesn’t actually speak. Every solution raises more questions. Some of us have been stuck on this one since 2019.

Neon’s solution is much better for the user, and outdoes the competition in a few respects, which is always fun to highlight!

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It gets to be real fun with Neon when the TTS voice you set doesn’t speak your secondary language! :crazy_face: The pronunciation gets wild

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The idea of speaking to Mycroft in his own language is a good one, but unfortunately this can’t be done with every language.
In germany they have different accents, but at least they have “Hochdeutsch”, (the way they write) which is a german that we foreigners can also speak. Here in switzerland we don’t have that and every canton has a different dialect, so in my case it’s impossible to be able to talk to Mycroft in my language (zurich speaks way different then berne or st. gallen, lugano aso). It would make more sense to adapt the english somehow, so that Mycroft also reacts to “accented” English.