Mic doesn't work on startup - only after running mycroft-mic-test

My Picroft doesn’t recognize the wake word on startup, nor after restarting the mycroft-cli-client. Audio outputs over HDMI if I type in a command (“what time is it”). However, if I run mycroft-mic-test, I can hear the test noise fine, and relaunching mycroft-cli-client I can now see the mic level meter, and it responds correctly to the wake word.

Installation details:

I was unable to connect my Picroft (3B+) to the internet from the picroft image (the enclosure-picroft one linked on github - sorry, new users can’t post many links) (I tried from mycroft-setup-wizard, in hindsight I should have tried raspi-config as well), so I followed the instructions and used the lastest raspbian lite stretch and update.sh as described here. I am using a seeed 2-mic respeaker pihat and installed the drivers as per here.

  1. Any idea what the mic-test is doing?
  2. I actually want audio output via the respeaker card too - how can I change that?
  3. The update.sh script didn’t appear to install pulseaudio. Should it have?

Thanks for any help!

System info:

Audio.log ERRORs {no errors in the other logs):

    09:22:32.485 - mplayer__init__:<module>:20 - ERROR - install py_mplayer with pip install git+https://github.com/JarbasAl/py_mplayer
    09:22:32.490 - mycroft.audio.audioservice:load_services:108 - ERROR - Failed to import module mplayer
    09:22:32.638 - mycroft.audio.audioservice:load_services:123 - ERROR - Failed to load service. NameError("no function 'libvlc_new'",)
    09:27:21.497 - mplayer__init__:<module>:20 - ERROR - install py_mplayer with pip install git+https://github.com/JarbasAl/py_mplayer
    09:27:21.502 - mycroft.audio.audioservice:load_services:108 - ERROR - Failed to import module mplayer
    09:27:21.798 - mycroft.audio.audioservice:load_services:123 - ERROR - Failed to load service. NameError("no function 'libvlc_new'",)


    pi@picroft:~ $ cat /etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf 
       "play_wav_cmdline": "aplay -Dhw:0,0 %1",
       "play_mp3_cmdline": "mpg123 -a hw:0,0 %1",
       "enclosure": {
          "platform": "picroft"
       "tts": {
          "mimic": {
             "path": "/home/pi/mycroft-core/mimic/bin/mimic"
       "ipc_path": "/ramdisk/mycroft/ipc/"
    pi@picroft:~ $ cat .mycroft/mycroft.conf 
    { "max_allowed_core_version": 18.8 }

Audio card:

    pi@picroft:~ $ aplay -L
        Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
        bcm2835 ALSA, bcm2835 ALSA
        Default Audio Device
        bcm2835 ALSA, bcm2835 ALSA
        Direct sample mixing device
        bcm2835 ALSA, bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI
        Direct sample mixing device
        bcm2835 ALSA, bcm2835 ALSA
        Direct sample snooping device
        bcm2835 ALSA, bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI
        Direct sample snooping device
        bcm2835 ALSA, bcm2835 ALSA
        Direct hardware device without any conversions
        bcm2835 ALSA, bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI
        Direct hardware device without any conversions
        bcm2835 ALSA, bcm2835 ALSA
        Hardware device with all software conversions
        bcm2835 ALSA, bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI
        Hardware device with all software conversions
        Default Audio Device
        Direct sample mixing device
        Direct sample snooping device
        Direct hardware device without any conversions
        Hardware device with all software conversions

OK, I’ve figured out how to get audio to work properly:

First I edited /etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf:

   "play_wav_cmdline": "aplay -Dhw:1 %1",
   "play_mp3_cmdline": "mpg123 -a hw:1 %1",
   "enclosure": {
      "platform": "picroft"
   "tts": {
      "mimic": {
         "path": "/home/pi/mycroft-core/mimic/bin/mimic"
   "ipc_path": "/ramdisk/mycroft/ipc/"

For some reason thing fixed the “sing me a song” skill, but not regular talking. Then I followed the instructions from the ALSA Project here to add these lines to /etc/asound.conf set my default sound card:

defaults.pcm.card 1
defaults.ctl.card 1

That has fixed my audio output by setting the default soundcard system-wide, which is fine for my purposes, but I wonder if there’s a way to set it just for Mycroft?

I am still having the issue where I need to run mycroft-mic-test before the Picroft starts listening for my voice.

I believe you can set some of this in the .asoundrc file:

The command I need to get the mic working is this:

(.venv) pi@picroft:~ $ /home/pi/mycroft-core/start-mycroft.sh voice
Restarting: voice
Stopping speech...stopped.
(.venv) pi@picroft:~ $ 

From what I can tell reading the script, the Restarting: voice line implies that the service was already running. But the mic doesn’t work until restarting the service. I’m afraid I don’t have a USB mic to test if this is a problem with my soundcard or something more general.

I am havin the same issue or a one close to your issue.

I use a rpi-3b+ with picroft stable (doing raspi update+raspbian-upgrade) and install the git fpr my 4-mic-respeaker modul, like mentioned here.

After that I start alsamixer and choose as default mic the new seeed-4-array-mic. See here.

Now Mycroft is hearing me but only when I do some inputs. Then he can his keyword but after some test he did not listening anymore.

I dont know what to do know… :frowning:

Any idea?