Mycroft GUI on Debian Buster

I have successfully installed mycroft-gui-app on my Debian Buster dist. However whenever I try to run it I get the error: qrc:/main.qml:23 module “org.kde.kirigami” version 2.11 is not installed.

I tracked down references to this in the various qml files and changed it to import 2.4 which seemed to be accepted. However it now throws a different error:

\QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/main.qml:251 Type Mycroft.SkillView unavailable
qrc:/qml/SkillView.qml:172 Kirigami.ColumnView is not a type

What do I need to do to get this working on Debian Buster?

Thank you.

you need the latest kirigami GitHub - KDE/kirigami: A QtQuick based components set, debian buster does not have new enough packages to support it

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Thank you for the advice.
