Mycroft is slow to respond [Details inside]

I’ve just installed Mycroft on my Raspberry Pi.

I’m 100% new AI assistants so I have no experience, but I said to commands to Mycroft, at first I thought he wasn’t listening or picking up my voice but then after a couple of minutes I got a reply.

Should Mycroft take this long to respond? Is there anything I can do to improve this?

Thanks for your help

Have seen the same problem … at least 30 seconds to respond.

Q: Is there any particular log file (other than view_log) we shoudl be attaching to the there posts for others to view?

Currently Mycroft Configuration
( ?? Is there a print_mycroft_config ) command ?
Pi3 with official Pi 3 Power supply
Ethernet connection to Internet
3.5 Speaker
No Mic ( yet )

Having the same problem.

Also having the same problem with a Pi3 and v0.8b of PiCroft

The response time is longer when the text to speak is long. If I ask it “how are you?”, the response time is quite acceptable. I believe it takes time for the TTS engine to process it. The longer the text, the longer it takes to respond.

However, I believe it also takes time for the query to send to the online STT engine for processing.

I believe both the STT and TTS engines are located in the internet. If both can be hosted locally, I believe it will solve the response delay problem.

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Getting the same problem on a brand new Pi3B. Any solutions? Thanks.

Actually after a couple of reboots it’s a lot faster. Don’t know why, but anyway, it’s just about acceptable speed.

Rebooting makes no difference for me.

It responds to maybe the first ‘Hey Mycroft’ If i’m asking for the time or weather.

If i try again in a minute or so it might recognise the wake word, but it could be 30 seconds to not at all before it responds.

It’s quite odd the differences we are experiencing given that we are mostly using the same hardware.

Perhaps the next release will address these issues.

I was absolutely in love with the idea of an open source ai assistant for the raspberry pi, but after installing and booting up Mycroft on my Pi 3 I was utterly disappointed.

After asking “Hey Microft, what time is it?” it gave me no sign that it had heard me and had no response to my question until minutes after. Although I am relatively new to ai assistants, my realization is that Mycroft is late to the party and incomparable to the Alexa and Google ai assistants which respond within seconds(my AlexaPi responds within 2-5 seconds upon asking a question and gives me an indicating ‘beep’ when I say the wake word ‘Alexa’ and a responsive ‘beep’ after I ask a question).

I love the idea of an open source ai assistant, but the technology is just too slow and far behind right now to have much success.


I came looking for the same topic but my latency wasn’t more than 4/5 sec - considering what many here are experiencing - 30+ sec even minutes and on the same pi3 as I am, that IMHO has to be related to network issues -
I’ve set a static ip address for starters and use a managed opendns service along with dnscrypt pointing to the same cisco 53 service -
my router allows for prioritization of apps/traffic/hosts - I haven’t yet set it that way though, so maybe i could do that - flushing the caches instead of reboot could also be done by;
$ free -hb

Mem: 937M 327M 31M 46M 579M 507M
Swap: 1.0G 7.5M 1.0G

then as root
$ sudo su -

sync; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

sync; echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

go easy on echo 3 – it will flush deep mem ;

sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches


Note, we are using “echo 3”, but it is not recommended in production instead use “echo 1”

echo “echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches”

chmod 755

crontab -e

“Append the below line, save and exit to run it at 2am daily.”
0 2 * * * /path/to/

swapoff -a && swapon -a

maybe an enlarged swap file , on 2Gb usb3 flash drive would help some too (?on pi3) on pi4 shouldn’t be necessary not with 4Gb ram anyways - a google search on how to create it can easily be found

Quoting Quora;
" So, in general, USB 3 should be nearly twice as fast as the fastest SD Cards . However, a USB 3.0 bus often runs at speeds of 1/3 to 1/2 of the design maximum. … For a very fast 300 MB/s SD Card , you can expect to pay about 4 times as much per GB as you would a 100 MB/s card "