Mycroft Responding without Wake Word being spoken

@baconator Oh many times as I attempt to figure out TuneIn.

I experience the same problem. The wake-up seems to happen randomly (when music is playing, ā€¦).
I have a Mark I for almost a year now. It used to be good in the beginning, very good indeed. The recent upgrade however (I believe it was from Python 2 to Python 3) should be called a downgrade.

The py 2->3 update was a year or so ago, thereā€™s been a few others in between.

Check the logs, make sure youā€™re running precise not pocketsphinx.

Thatā€™s a very curious issue. It should be working by default on picroft. Unless thereā€™s a bunch of other stuff loaded since that makes it time out when starting not sure why itā€™s not working. :frowning:

Is there a way of getting a more verbose startup details?

Iā€™m running just Mycroft with the Respeaker drivers and nothing else.

I started with raspbian-stretch_Picroft_2019-09-27

Currently I have mycroft-core 19.8.4, I donā€™t know if thatā€™s the latest or not.

thatā€™s current: