Mycroft with Google AIY Voice kit disk image

Hi Tjoen,

Thanks to your nice job I can see what Mycroft is able to do with my Raspberry and Google Voice kit.

I tried to install the raspian-strech_Picroft-2018-09-12 but failed : errors and issues are above my skills.
So I am happy with your version.



Was really helpful !

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Is this mycroft on the google kit or is it loading it onto the mycroft device?

If you install Picroft on the raspberrypi, then the you can choose Google AIY voice kit in the setup guide. It is for the version 1 of the kit.
After installation you can install the Google AIY voicekit skill from the market to get the botton and lidht to work.
I use it on all my devises :slight_smile:


I used Mycroft on a rpi3b+ with the ps3 and had problems that Mycroft wasn’t able to detect the wake word after an amount of time.
Did any of you run into this problem using the G-AIY-Voice-Kit? Because it has a 2mic (or 4mic?)
Microphone board.

Would you recommend buying this kit (also should I rather buy the v1 over the v2 bc I already have a rpi3b+ and don’t want to use a rpi pi0)? I’d like to use the picroft daily in my room but due to the problems I was never able to. Also I’m wondering if maybe I should just by a better mic board or does the one of the g aiy voice kit does the job quite good?

Sry for all of these questions :smiley:

PS: @andlo Seeing the picroft-google-aiy-voicekit-skill it should be easy to implement the button just as a mute button, right? (just changing the behavoir of the handle_button() method). Dont want to push it anytime just to give a voice cmd

If you can find the v1 for < $5 still, it’s worth it. Microcenter used to have them for $1, even. It’s a decent mic and speaker, but not a miracle worker (no aec/beamforming).

This image no longer works. Upon reboot the system force installs v20.08 then hangs. It never finished the upgrade. I have tested this twice, and future users should avoid this image, unless the creator can fix the upgrade problem.

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