New Google AIY Voice kit

There is a new aiy voice kit that was just announced. It will be $50 and sold online and at target stores. Could be a really great and inexpensive way for more people to try Mycroft. Or even just to snatch a good microphone for an existing Mycroft device while getting a pi zero and some other components for projects.

Pretty sure I remember seeing that Picroft needs at least a Pi 3 (but not a Pi 3 B+, apparently it’s not compatible with that one yet?), so if that kit comes with a Pi Zero they’d at the least need to buy a Pi 3 to go with it to run Picroft…

Yep. Or just grab the voice bonnet for the mic and pop it on top of a pi 3 you already have hooked up to a speaker. Then use the pi zero for something else.

There’s an updated vision kit as well ($90).

This looks awesome. Getting Mycroft working on this platform is the type of thing that would earn a silver coin…