No response from mycroft regarding order status

I have some sections on that but can definitely do more. The reason it’s so easy to trigger is that the vosk plugin listens for combinations of phonemes. The “ee” sound in Neon gets picked up from many words in English so it’s easily triggered. “Hey Ziggy” is less aggressive but also has more false activations than my wife and kids liked, so we switched back to “Hey Mycroft.”

If you want to try “Hey Ziggy” it’s just a modification of the hey_neon block:

    module: ovos-ww-plugin-vosk
    listen: true
    active: true
    sound: snd/start_listening.wav
    debug: false
    rule: fuzzy
    lang: en
      - hey ziggy

Insert this into the block from above and it should activate once you restart the appropriate service(s). Note that just adding it without disabling Hey Mycroft means it will activate with both wakewords. That’s one of the features of OVOS/Neon that Mycroft classic core didn’t support.

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clarification on hotwords

  • any number may be defined, by default active = False
  • the wake word selected in listener section will become active = True, unless explicitly set (either true or false) in it’s section
  • to activate more than 1 at same time, you need to manually set active = True in the second wake word

the symptoms described sound like a bug in config somewhere, where wake words are being set active = True forcefully in default config instead of just changing the string in listener section

I have not looked into the neon skill that does this to diagnose the issue

the vosk plugin also has several config options to tweak it, instead of fuzzy there are other rules, you can also test the full vocab setting (fuzzy was meant for this one)

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I checked, “Hey Neon” doesn’t work now that I’ve set Mycroft as the wake word. I made the change verbally. It sat for nearly a minute before confirming the change.

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@knox @atd @mikejgray - you should receive an email with an RMA number & instructions from Michael Lewis within a day, I just had a meeting with him. The email should instruct you to send your faulty device back in, and another will be mailed out to you promptly. Please let me know if you do not receive that email, and for any other issues with this please do message Mycroft but also cc me.


Thank you @NeonClary

Sorry but I didn’t receive any email

Same here…no emailed RMA.

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Thank you. I will continue to follow up on this.

Nothing here as well. Thanks for your persistence and help!

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I have to say I emailed Mycroft 9 days ago about this: Persistent clicking / Frequent, seemingly random activation - #7 by pyoorkate - and haven’t heard anything back.

Any updates? If we ever do get new boards I’m sure all of us would prefer to receive the device before we send in the faulty one. With the length of time this has taken I’m very skeptical of sending anything in without having a replacement already in hand.

@pyoorkate @knox @atd I’ve got good news for you at last. Thank you for your patience and support!

Neon AI is giving Mycroft AI some help with fielding customer support emails. In real world terms, that means that I am spending some time going through the customer support emails & shipping system, and helping Michael get them caught up. He’s also updated the Mycroft Mark II sales page.

You’ll be getting RMAs, not having to put in your own replacement boards. We got started yesterday, and I’ve got an RMA out to @mikejgray and am working on the rest of the Mycroft AI inbox, including your requests. Please give us a few more business days to get caught up. I’ve got all of your emails already, so I will be sure to confirm I’ve addressed your support tickets.

For anyone not tagged, please give us until Thursday, June 1 to get caught up on Mycroft emails, and then if you haven’t received a response to a previous Mycroft support email, please send a fresh email to

For RMAs, the procedure is for Mycroft AI to send out a new Mark II immediately, and email you a postage sticker to print out in order to return yours. If you saved the box you can of course send it back right away, but otherwise we expect that when you receive the replacement Mark II you’ll use the new box to send back the old machine. They’ll be checked out and hopefully can be refurbished.

Also, fyi, Mark II shipments from both Mycroft AI & Neon AI now include an SSD drive with the Neon OS. That means one will come with your RMA units.

If privacy concerns are on your mind with my accessing the Mycroft support emails, rest assured we (Neon AI) already have a non-disclosure agreement with Mycroft AI, and customer information will remain compartmentalized. That means you won’t find yourself unexpectedly on my user newsletter email list just because Mycroft AI has your email. I would of course love to add you to our mailing list :wink: but you’ll need to share your email with Neon AI directly.


Oh, that’s excellent. Thank you (and I’m super pleased to hear that you’ve picked up the support side as it felt like they were struggling). I’m already on the neon list iirc because I ordered the USB :slight_smile:

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Thank you for all your assistance; can’t wait!

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A bit to late for me :sob:, got mine two weeks ago

Is this normal or shall I open an RMA?

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I’m sorry to have to say that it’s a software issue, and currently normal. Thank you for asking so politely!

To power it up again, unplug the power cord, wait a handful of seconds, and plug it back in.

Neon OS is still having an issue with the fan resuming operation some time after shutdown. @NeonDaniel has been working on it, and the “fan to 100%” function is deeply embedded, so it hasn’t been an easy fix.

Did you mean, you already purchased your SSD, or that your Mark II arrived with a USB instead? One of those I can help fix with a coupon.

I got that one, with the USB

A post was merged into an existing topic: Shutdown via GUI not fully shutting down, hardware or software issue?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Shutdown via GUI not fully shutting down, hardware or software issue?

I hadn’t set up my third unit yet, after seeing reports of unit problems, I’ll plug it in and see what happens. I was testing one each with Mycroft and Neon, but I’d best be sure the remaining one works while replacements are still an option…