PiCroft Question - Which Raspberry Pi?

Which Pi to pickup? Pi 3, Pi 3 B or Pi 3 B+?

Appreciate your help!

Currently we recommend Pi 3 B, not Pi 3 B+, as this runs on Raspbian Stretch, and Picroft is built around Raspbian Jessie Lite.

Thank you so much! If I add LCD Touch screen (3.5), will it help PiCroft in any way (even though most of the interaction is through voice)? Just wondering.

No, there’s no GUI on the Picroft build - it’s just a CLI.

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Thank you. Is it possible to customize the voice command Intent from “Mycroft” to something else?


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I am using Putty on Windows 10 and was able to SSH. How do I edit the mycroft.conf file?

I am using WinSCP now and I can edit the files. Still not able to figure out why audio (output) is not working.

We have some documentation here on troubleshooting Picroft audio here;

Was any of this documentation helpful?

Best, Kathy

Is there any timeline on when it will be compatible with the 3B+?

Good question @Skolman, not yet I’m afraid.

Our development and hardware support efforts are focused on the Mark II which we aim to be shipping in December. ’

All our code for Picroft is open sourced, so if anyone would like to have a go at building in support for Pi 3 B+, you’re very welcome to. In our Picroft chat channel, there are some community efforts underway for support for Picroft on not just Pi 3 B+, but for Raspbian Stretch as well - currently Picroft is built around Raspbian Jessie Lite.

Unfortunately I’m still learning to code, I’m not going to be much help :frowning:
Thanks for the response!