Play from youtube skill

Oh ok! I didn’t know that. I’ll wait until going to be fixed :wink:

A great skill…

Can’t wait for you to fix it, please let us know when you do :slight_smile:


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So I’m guessing this never got fixed?

As far as I can tell there isn’t currently a functional YouTube skill.

There are a few out in the wild, but none that have been officially reviewed so not in the Marketplace at the moment.

I haven’t tried any of these myself nor looked at the code, so can’t vouch for them, but if you are happy to install from untested Skills, the best bet is probably:

and for desktop users wanting to actually watch the video:

We also have a brand new one coming that uses our new GUI Framework. So that will work for the Mark II and Plasma users:

I’m trying to get YouTube working on a headless Picroft and as far as I can tell not one of those works.

I imagine it should be fairly straightforward to output a video stream to ffmpeg and have it transcode or otherwise strip out just the audio. Admittedly that does mean I need to learn how Python classes work!

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I put together a skill to play audio from youtube:

Feedback welcome in that thread or on gitlab.


Just looking for a skill doing EXACTLY this.

It works great so far.

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Hey guys,

do you have some issue with youtube skills to recently ? Can’t load music since 2 days, it’s telling me that no result have been found , maybe youtube update something ?

I am having a similar issue with my Kodi-skill, it is no longer returning youtube links either so something has changed.

Acutally trying to debug it (lol first time I’m seeing python script). It seem that if you change skill to load only one music it’s working. So I think that the issue is with youtube-dl who can scrap youtube video because maybe youtube has made some changes

Looks like the playlist ID is formatted differently. The regex is failing in my kodi-skill.
These no longer work for me…

all_video_links = re.findall(r'href=\"\/watch\?v=(.{11})', html.decode())
all_playlist_results = re.findall(r'href=\"\/playlist\?list\=(.{34})', html.decode())

These do work…

all_video_links = re.findall(r'/watch\?v=(.{11})', html.decode())
all_playlist_results = re.findall(r'list\=(.{18})', html.decode())

Not sure this is any help to anyone but me but thought I would put it out there. I am going to dig in when I get some time.

I tried to download Jarbais plugin but the github seem no longer maintained, do you have a fork ?

Anyone having any luck with youtube… having same issue with youtube skill stopped working few days ago … saying “no results found”

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Same issue here. Was using Mcdruid plugin and since few days it’s ‘no result found’ :confused:

There are several youtube skills scattered throughout the community. What skill(s) are having issues. From my own testing it looks like the regex is failing on most of these due to a change in youtube. I have seen a similar issue with my Kodi-skill that I am correcting.
@mcdruid may be able to assist with their skill.

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this is what i found in @mcdruid yoiutube skill

for vid in vids:
if not re.match(’/watch?v=\w{11}’, vid[‘href’]):
LOG.debug('no media: ’ + vid[‘href’])

the whole section

Attempt to find the first result matching the query string

def search_youtube(self, search_term):
    tracklist = []
    res = requests.get(search_url + search_term)
    # TODO: check status code etc...
    html = res.content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
    vids = soup.findAll(attrs={'class':'yt-uix-tile-link'})

    for vid in vids:
        if not re.match('/watch\?v=\w{11}', vid['href']):
          LOG.debug('no media: ' + vid['href'])

        self.vid_url = vid['href']
        self.vid_name = vid.string
        self.stream_url = self.get_stream_url(self.vid_url)
        LOG.debug('Found stream URL: ' + self.vid_url)
        LOG.debug('Media title: ' + self.vid_name)
        self.audio_state = 'playing'
        self.speak_dialog('now.playing', {'content': self.vid_name} )

my bots arnt singing to me while i work on them…lol…

issue is with this line…

vids = soup.findAll(attrs={'class':'yt-uix-tile-link'})

This class no longer exists.

@mcdruid has been MIA for a bit. Not sure if he will respond or not. If I get adventurous maybe I will see if I can get his skill working. I have an idea what needs to be done.