Please wait a moment while I finish booting up

Using chown will help you to change the permissions.

There is something wrong with hw identification, if the ~/.mycroft/identity/identity2.json could be read, these checks wouldn’t happen.

Check the /tmp permission nonetheless

Ok. Now really thanks to @goldyfruit for telling me how to change permissions. and now
I just can’t able to hear what Mycroft says. But I can to it and it did save in voice.log.

But the audio.log is empty. And too, if i run ./ audiotest it can able to here what i say and play it back.

Other than that, everything is just working fine.

I too have the same issue. Stuck at please waiit…

last entry in log is:
INFO | 1001 | msm.mycroft_skills_manager | building SkillEntry objects for all skills

Anyone help me?

is skills restart done inside the venv? or outside?

Inside the venv.

picroft 21.2.2 is latest version

when i do a restart i get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/pi/mycroft-core/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/msm/”, line 104, in get
raise AttributeError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python3.7/”, line 193, in _run_module_as_main
main”, mod_spec)
File “/usr/lib/python3.7/”, line 85, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File “/home/pi/mycroft-core/mycroft/skills/”, line 295, in
File “/home/pi/mycroft-core/mycroft/skills/”, line 217, in main
skill_manager = _initialize_skill_manager(bus, watchdog)
File “/home/pi/mycroft-core/mycroft/skills/”, line 263, in _initialize_skill_manager
skill_manager = SkillManager(bus, watchdog)
File “/home/pi/mycroft-core/mycroft/skills/”, line 143, in init

 14:53:25.717 | INFO     | 12345 | mycroft_bus_client.client.client | Connected
~~~~5.721 | INFO     | 12345 | mycroft.util.process_utils:start_message_bus_client:155 | Connected to messagebus
 14:53:25.734 | INFO     | 12345 | mycroft.skills.msm_wrapper:create_msm:96 | Acquiring lock to instantiate MSM
 14:53:25.737 | INFO     | 12345 | msm.mycroft_skills_manager | building SkillEntry objects for all skills
  ^--- NEWEST ---^

Picroft is not really maintained which means the code in there could be incompatible with the current skills. I would recommend to install mycroft-core via the standard procedure or try to use Docker with this procedure.

install mycroft-core into picroft?

I would go with a fresh Raspberry Pi OS.

recall. i had changed NOTHING and the rPi stopped with the above.

how come mycroft company wont reply to my request for support?

cant do fresh re install. too much effort to reinstall an pihat into the OS.

nothing changed but pycroft skills are dead.

i did a full mycroft reinstall and STILL the same issue. Please wait a moment as I finish booting up.

is something wrong on the MC serveR?

Did you Mycroft’s remove the directories as well?

rm -f /var/tmp/mycroft_web_cache.json
rm -rf /tmp/mycroft
rm -rf ~/.mycroft
rm -rf /opt/mycroft

yes. no change… even a fresh picroft install is stuck…

As mentioned above, I’ll not use Picroft and install directly mycroft-core on a fresh Raspberry Pi OS 64bit.

how do i do that? install core ? mycroft linux version of the core?

what caused my existing unit to hang at its skills?

Check my previous message:

It could be an update with the msm Python library, it could be a skill update as well which is incompatble with Picroft code (from 2021) or it could be anything else (check the logs in DEBUG mode to get more info if available).

There is nothing in the log files.

I would prefer to keep my pie Croft operating system as it is since I have a audio device in code already installed etc. Is there a way to uninstall the home automation code and then install it the way you said?