Release Notes 0.9.5 | Introducing Precise

Originally published at:

V0.9.5 Is Here - and we’re rolling out Precise.

Precise wake word engine #1199, #1207

New machine-learning based wake word listener. This system includes a feedback loop, allowing user-contributed information to be incorporated into the training database, improving the wake-word performance. This happens when Opt In has been chosen at

Precise is enabled by changing /etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf to include:
{“hotwords”: {“hey mycroft”: {“module”: “precise”}}}.

API enhancements

  • Add MycroftSkill.get_intro_message() method which skills can override when they wish to provide instructions to the user after installation. (#1211)
  • Extend scheduled event mechanism with MycroftSkill.get_event_status(), MycroftSkill.remove_event() (#1193)

Utility changes

  • Add msm list command to show already installed skills; and msm info <skill> command to display info from the in the skill's Github repo. Thanks @theCalcaholic! (#1201, #1202, #1203 )
  • Add 'all' option for mycroft-stop utility to mirror mycroft-start (#1212)
  • Changed mycroft-use utility to autoremove when switching from unstable to stable builds. (#1213)
  • Add 'home' and 'home-test' options to mycroft-use to simplify backend testing. Also added platform support and extended the 'github' option. (#1182)


  • Wakeword validation, defaulting to "Hey Mycroft" when user-entered settings fail. (#1188)
  • Add event scheduler tests (#1189)
  • Reduced requirements.txt to only the packages actually used by mycroft-core, removing those only needed for default skills. (#1192, #1215, #1216)
  • Added stop() to the AudioService. Thanks, @akailash! (#1194)
  • Configuration system fix (#1196)
  • Padations 0.3.7, fixing several minor bugs (#1198)
  • The remote configuration file was prematurely loaded at import time. Now it is loaded when the Session is created. (#1204)