ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array HAT Mycroft A.I. Skill


You are loading the Matrix voice hat drivers? That is a complete different board from a complete different supplier?

The 4-MIC HAT is from Seeed - ReSpeaker.

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@j1nx That was the clue I needed. I don’t know why the mycroft wyzard installed that driver.

I started all over again with a spare MicroSD:

I will try again a fresh install through the wizard to see if that is the problem.

Thank you a million times for the clue!

I noticed that wake word recognition on Raspberry PI 4B is a tad slower than on a 10-year old quad-core PC. Not a huge difference…just like a SatNav that tells you a little bit too late where to turn.


How do I get this to work with MycroftOS?

The same as with all skills not yet in the market. Either by running the command with the Mycroft CLI;


Or exit out of the Mycroft CLI and run the following command on the normal Linux CLI;

msm install

The first command will ask for confirmation (so wait for the start listening log line and/or listener beep, then type “yes”), the second doesn’t.

So I tried what you said and it still is not working at all. The os I am using is Linux MycroftOS-124d4c 5.4.42-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT.

Yep, apologies for that. There is a regression with the new 5.4.51 kernel in regards to the SPI / GPIO stuff.

I am looking into it. Hopefully figure it out soon. Keep you updated.

Thank you for you time and this amazing skill!