[Security] Three authentication factors

Skill name: unlockdoor-skill

User story:

As a person wanting more security, whether for some parts of my house (or other), I wish to use Mycroft to get security to 3 authentication factors.

What third party services, data sets or platforms will the Skill interact with? Are there similar Mycroft Skills already?

Twilio SMS will allow the function of sending sms

What will the user Speak to trigger the Skill?

Here, no order to make with Mycroft; on the contrary, it is he who takes the initiative to warn me vocally that a badge has been detected in front of the RFID reader

What phrases will Mycroft Speak?
“John Doe has been detected in front of the reader” or “John wants to open the door”

What Skill Settings Will this Skill need to store?
API keys of the user

Other comments?

The security system will work with 3 parameters: a 6-digit code, an RFID chip and a second code that will be generated randomly and send by SMS to the owner of the RFID chip.


  1. For example, Mycroft displays the time with a countdown (here, I cook or other)
  2. A rfid badge is detected and therefore the “security” screen takes the display priority to enter both codes.
  3. A voice message from Mycroft tells me that a badge has been detected
  4. A few seconds after the validation, the screen returns to its initial state.


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Hi @RoxGoryx, we have a template for Skill Suggestions, could I please get you to fill this out using the template - it makes it a lot easier to then plan for development.

Kind regards,

Skill name: something-meaningful-skill

User story:

As a (type of user) I want this Skill to have (function or feature) so that I can achieve (objective)
eg. As a music lover, I want this Skill to control my music player so I can have voice-enabled music on my Mycroft Device

What third party services, data sets or platforms will the Skill interact with?

Are there similar Mycroft Skills already?

See https://github.com/MycroftAI/mycroft-skills for a list. If so, how could they be combined?

What will the user Speak to trigger the Skill?

For example “What’s the weather like?” or “How much is the Canadian dollar worth right now?” or “Play Aussie Rock music”

What phrases will Mycroft Speak?

For example, “The weather is cloudy with a top of 60F”, “The Canadian dollar is worth 90 US cents”, “Now playing Aussie Rock on Spotify”

What Skill Settings will this Skill need to store?

See https://mycroft.ai/documentation/skills/skill-settings/ for more information

Other comments?

Put any other comments you think are relevant in here

Fixed, sorry for not paying attention :no_mouth: