Major Picroft Update - Moving to Raspbian Stretch

I got the same errors. I think they are because of still needs changes.

I ignored them and then started mycroft and it seems to be working. though initially volume was 0 so i hat to use alsamixer to move it to 70%. and volume control seemed to work until i restarted. now its just 100%, really loud. if I open alsamixer again, it is showing 0%. Cant control audio anymore for some reason.

Another thing I noticed. Google Text-To-Speech engine does not work with Picroft (atleast for me). If I take a clean raspbian image and configure google VoiceHat on it and then clone mycroft-core and build it, it worked fine.

Note - to change the Speech engine, go to > Settings > Advanced and at the bottom of the page change it to google from mimic

Is there a reason why this does not work on picroft? Is some extra configuration required?

Hi there @Raiko, just on the topic of Google TTS not working on Picroft, I’d recommend checking the Voice Logs to see if there’s anything in the logs that indicates why it’s not working.

More info on logs and where they are here;

Hello, I’m also experiencing this issue. Mimic TTS works but Google TTS does not. This was happening on the previous version of mycroft and persists to the new stretch release. When I am in the debug client no errors appear when I switch back and forth between TTS engines.

Thanks for reporting this @asrrin29, I’ve confirmed I’m getting this behaviour under Linux as well - so it means it’s been observed on Mark1, Picroft and Linux - it’s not device-specific, it’s a bug somewhere that’s preventing the use of Google TTS. We’ll dig into it and let you know how we go.

if you update the Gtts lib this should be fixed, it was an updat on google side

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