No Audio Output on Picroft with Jabra 410

By default we use paplay which is the Pulse Audio player where as aplay is the ALSA player.

Thanks @gez-mycroft never realised that; aplay / paplay

Gez, sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I just built out a Picroft with the Jabra 410 Speak also.

I tried the mycroft-config lines that you listed in your post as well as checking the alsamixer to verify the 410 is showing up.

When I go to the mycroft-cli-client, I can say “hey jarvis” and in the log viewer, it shows that it is recording and states the time back but no audio is heard. I would think since 2019 that this would have been updated? I am currently running v21.2.0

Thanks in advance!

Actually, I got him working!

What I was missing was this:

pactl set-default-source XXX

pactl set-default-sink XXX

Once I set the sink, he started talking.

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I recently acquired the Jabra 410 too and with stable image ( all I had to do was change the commands to aplay %1 and mpg123 %1 and reboot. With unstable image ( it worked out of the box. All this is on raspberry pi 4.

edit: I spoke too soon, the speaker worked fine during the setup of unstable (which it didn’t on stable), but not afterwards - I still had to do pactl set-default-sink 0 (where 0 was jabra index from pacmd list-sinks) and restart mycroft

edit2: Speaker stopped working after reboot on unstable, to fix I had to edit like so:

pactl set-default-sink 0
pactl set-sink-volume 0 99%
pactl set-default-source 1

where again the 0 and 1 are the jabra sink / source numbers from pacmd list-sinks / pacmd list-sources. So not so much out-of-the-box, but at least the setup weorks better :slight_smile: