OpenVoiceOS - A bare minimal (production type of) OS based on Buildroot

Another quick update;

Matrix Rooms / Channels

We created a couple of chat rooms on where we are discussing the development and such.

We decided to talk about all development out there in the open so you guys can follow what we are up to and what keeps causing delays etc. etc. For the unpatienced people or the curious ones, development test pre-alpha test image download links are flying by in the development room :wink:


Hi, How can I install OpenVoiceOS on raspberry pi

The same as any other image like the Mark2 one or the Picroft one.

Download the image file when you found it and flash that file to either an USB stick (USB3 preffered) or an SD card.

If you use the images software from the rpi foundation you do not have to unpack the XZ archive and can just flash it compressed.

(Bare in mind, the current dev images are for a rpi4)

I did as you mentioned. So now how can I get the GUI

Which screen do you have attached? It should just have the GUI showing from boot onwards. First the boot loader/splash and then straight into the GUI.

I use a 7 inch touchscreen

It only shows the command line but no GUI. I am using Picroft

Download this;
Latest pre alpha development image - 202108092005

Flash it onto your disk and boot it on yur device.

This is a pre release showcasing the current development status so far from finished, but it will allow you to have a peek at the GUI stuff.

Thank You So much ! :slight_smile:

The device isnt booting

We need some more information then that. Let’s start with what “the device” means.

What different components do you use?

I only use a Raspberry Pi 3B+, A Sand Disk 16gb Micro SD Card, A USB MIC, an HDMI Monitor and A wireless keyboard and mouse. I flashed the os you provided into a fresh sd card, put it into the raspberry piand it wont boot

That is correct! See below and above;

Oh, So are trying to say that I cant run this on my raspberry pi 3.

Yes indeed. At least not at this time. Later on the rpi3 will be supported but we have not yet pulled the rpi3 in line with the rpi4

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For the ones following, the linked pre-release development images will be overwritten.

We are not going to link them here all the time to prevent a series of spam posts. You can always find the latest link(s) at the above linked openvoiceos-general matrix room.

Ofcourse we will link the first offical test release here like before.

It looks like we’ve got a bunch of fresh eyes on the project. That means it’s time for a status report!

This thread contains a checklist. That checklist stands between us and an image labeled Alpha 1. Progress continues.

Keen eyes may notice that I mentioned our installer skill as a blocker in my previous update, but it’s absent from that checklist. We have concluded that users who’d install Alpha 1 of an OS are the sort of users who can get by with just OSM for a few weeks, so why should they have to wait for an end-user component?

I would like to remind testers that OSM’s main feature is access to skill repos other than the Mycroft Marketplace. Third-party Skills on the Mycroft Marketplace have been vetted by MycroftAI. Other third-party skills have not been vetted, by MycroftAI, by us, or by anyone else. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t install them, but you should know the author and the context. Different app stores and skill repositories each have their own critera for inclusion. You should treat each repo as if they were different web sites from which you were downloading little apps, because that’s exactly what they are and what you’re doing. Be safe, browse smart, check the authors.

The system itself, the main repo, is changing on a very regular basis, so we can’t promise to support “it doesn’t build on my computer” until we drop an alpha image. Most people will prefer an image, and it builds on our computers =P But, for those brave and/or generous souls who decide to build it anyway, here are some things to note:


  • As mentioned above, Skills cannot currently be installed by voice. You’ll have to connect and use osm. That’s okay, because
  • SSH is enabled by default, and the credentials are mycroft/mycroft. It will not be enabled by default on release builds, but it will presumably remain enabled on dev builds.
  • Only some of the touchscreen elements are hooked up. The volume slider, for instance, does nothing, but it looks great!
  • Like most embedded deployments, but unlike a git install, Mycroft is running as a system service, so if you want to restart it from the terminal, do it via systemctl. Note that this will also reload the GUI. Don’t be alarmed!
  • Skills, config, and so forth are now in XDG-compliant directories, thanks primarily to @PureTryOut. Config is in ~/.config, some of Mycroft’s guts are in ~/.local/share, you can read more about the XDG spec if you’re interested. This is also happening in Mycroft-core/dev, but it’s recent, so this might be the first some readers are hearing of it.


  • Mk2s will start at max volume, and cannot be shushed during onboarding. We will do something about this before release, but, for now, don’t do first-time setup on a Mk2 while your kids are sleeping.
  • The SJ-201 microphone (the built in one) is not working. We recommend a USB mic or headset for the time being. Bluetooth is on the list, but we haven’t addressed it.

The above list is by no means exhaustive, but I think that’s everything you need to know before you go.

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Youtube Channel

For the people that rather check us out from the sideline before jumping in or are just curious what all this talk is about. We created an OpenVoiceOS Youtube channel where we can upload teaser video’s and show the capabilities.

For now we uploaded two teaser video’s of the first run setup “wizard” that shows directly after the WiFi setup.

Subscribe to the channel if you want to be alerted of new video’s.

Would love to hear everyones thoughts, ideas, feedback or hence even your concerns.

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Hi, So I’ve got a raspberry pi 4 from one of my friends and still the pi isnt booting up. So is there any way I can directly install it through terminal

Best is to hop over to; and I will see if we can get you going.