Play from youtube skill

this is what i found in @mcdruid yoiutube skill

for vid in vids:
if not re.match(’/watch?v=\w{11}’, vid[‘href’]):
LOG.debug('no media: ’ + vid[‘href’])

the whole section

Attempt to find the first result matching the query string

def search_youtube(self, search_term):
    tracklist = []
    res = requests.get(search_url + search_term)
    # TODO: check status code etc...
    html = res.content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
    vids = soup.findAll(attrs={'class':'yt-uix-tile-link'})

    for vid in vids:
        if not re.match('/watch\?v=\w{11}', vid['href']):
          LOG.debug('no media: ' + vid['href'])

        self.vid_url = vid['href']
        self.vid_name = vid.string
        self.stream_url = self.get_stream_url(self.vid_url)
        LOG.debug('Found stream URL: ' + self.vid_url)
        LOG.debug('Media title: ' + self.vid_name)
        self.audio_state = 'playing'
        self.speak_dialog('now.playing', {'content': self.vid_name} )

my bots arnt singing to me while i work on them…lol…

issue is with this line…

vids = soup.findAll(attrs={'class':'yt-uix-tile-link'})

This class no longer exists.

@mcdruid has been MIA for a bit. Not sure if he will respond or not. If I get adventurous maybe I will see if I can get his skill working. I have an idea what needs to be done.

It looks like youtube have completely changed the way they’re returning results.

Searching the HTML for the yt-uix-tile-link class doesn’t look like it’s going to work any more.

As far as I can see, they may now be returning a chunk of json which is rendered client side.

So we may need to look at parsing that instead.

Or, perhaps you can send a different User Agent and get plain HTML back… not sure.

Parsing the json is probably a better approach anyway.

I’ll have a look at this but don’t have a lot of time to work on it at the moment.

Pull Requests welcome at :slight_smile:

@mcdruid, Glad to see you are still active, I don’t have a gitlab account but have been doing a bit of playing around. There may be an issue with yt-downloader too but I am unsure since I think i have maxed out my google quota with testing :wink: I have been playing with your code and changed your search_youtube routine to this code and it seams to return valid results.

    def search_youtube(self, search_term):
        tracklist = []
        res = requests.get(search_url + search_term)
        # TODO: check status code etc...
        html = res.content
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
        all_vid_id = re.findall(r'/watch\?v=(.{11})', str(soup))
        if len(all_vid_id) >= 1:
            for vid_id in all_vid_id:
                vid_url = "/watch?v=" + str(vid_id)
                self.stream_url = self.get_stream_url(vid_url)
                LOG.debug('Found stream URL: ' + self.stream_url)
            vid_name = str(search_term)
            self.audio_state = 'playing'
            self.speak_dialog('now.playing', {'content': vid_name})
            # We didn't find any playable results
            LOG.debug('Could not find any results with the query term: ' + search_term)

Ok, great so that approach is just finding the watch?v=BLAH url in the soup, and using the original search term as the title.

Enough to get something work again, but it’s a shame not to be parsing the title from the result etc…

I’ve started to look at using something like to extract and parse the json. Looks sort of okay, but with the first search terms I’ve tried it’s failing to parse the json properly, and I’m not sure why yet…

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you might want to look at

for those using the gui @Aix has done a good job

i think we should concentrate dev efforts into a single place, consider sending PRs to the more advanced skill instead


I agree, there is definitely a lot of duplication and overlap when it comes to playing music. Not sure of the solution. I have also noticed many of the cps music skills return a match even before confirming they actually have the resource or music available. …Someone says “play xyz” and they return exact match before checking if xyz is playable or available to this skill.

Guys, just for information, I’ve forked the Mcdruid Repo with the pcwii update if anyone need , available here :


Awesome thank you… I would sing to my robots but I am trying to teach them to walk… not run away… lol

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Thanks, it worked for me! :slight_smile:
Just two things:

  1. I got the following error:
    Preformatted text~~~~nnection object at 0x4405dff0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -5] No address associated with hostname’))

  2. It takes too much to play the song

Again, thanks.