Audio output not working

Hi all,
I have installed MyCroft on Raspberry Pi4. Everything seems working well except the fact that MyCroft does not speak!
All the audio tests went fine (I can register and hear back the voice) so I guess mic and speakers works fine.
I have no error message in the logs (audio and voice)
I have also tried to follow the steps described here ( Audio Output part but nothing has changed.

I am a bit frustrated… what I am missing?
Hi can wake up MyCroft (via voice and I also hear the bip) and get written answer from the command line but nothing from the Speaker.

Any clue?

Just to add that I have also another SD card where I have followed the same steps to install and configure MyCroft (same Raspberry and audio device) and it is working!

check the logs (/var/logs/mycroft/audio.log) and see if there’s anything interesting of note?

Sounds mostly like you have a different device configured between the two cards, though.

each time I connect my bluetooth speaker I have to run

pactl set-default-sink 1