Curse word asterisks *** interfering with searches

I’m using the mopidy-spotify skill and somewhere in the parsing of my input it’s turning detected curse words into asterisks, such as “**** you”. A reasonable default I suppose, but I want to play albums that contain explicit titles, and this feature breaks that functionality.

Is there a way to disable this? If not, where can I file this bug? I’m new to the project.

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Hi @user239049 thanks for raising this. We’re in discussions internally about the best way to approach this feature, as it has broader implications - for instance, what if a minor is using Mycroft? At this stage curse words is not configurable, but we’re probably going to change that.

Noting that we’ve got the Issue at;

Has there been any movement on this?

We don’t have kids in our house and we never will.

I know it’s a small thing, but it kinda bothers me.

I mean, what’s the point of @pcwii’s Mesh skill if my partner can’t insult me from the other room with their desired vocabulary?

Going to call out @gez-mycroft as he may be able to move this in the right direction. I have not tried this but apparently there is a profanity filter boolean that is part the Google tts api. Python client library  |  Google Cloud

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Currently that boolean isn’t configurable on the Selene API. So you’d need to use Google STT directly using one of the in-built classes.

To support this we’d need to:

  • add pfilter flag to Selene-backend GoogleSTT API endpoint
  • add pfilter flag to MycroftSTT class under mycroft-core/mycroft/stt
  • fetch the value from the user config so it can be turned on
  • update the docs to reflect this

If anyone wants to give it a go we always welcome new contributions :slight_smile:

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