Error in web interface and questions about api!

I successfully installed and paired mycroft and it is working perfectly through:
./ debug
./ cli
However, I have a few questions:
1- When I am trying to access the web interface,it shows 404error
2- Is there an API for mycroft allows to use each service aside like:
a- chat api: where I post to it a phrase and it returns the answer, example curl server/api/chat?text=“Hey Mycroft, Tell me more about Bill Gates” and it returns json response with the result
b- STT api: where I post to it an audio and it returns the transcribed text, example curl server/api/stt?audio=“audio.mp3” and it returns json response with the result
c- TTS api: where I post to it a text and it returns the audio, example curl server/api/tts?text=“Hello World” and it returns a json response with the result as an audio path to download.