Google_Cloud Not Supported?

I’m working on a fresh kde install and am trying to use the Google_Cloud service for tts.
So far I have been unsuccessful .
my config…

“tts”: {
“google_cloud”: {
“lang”: “en-US”,
“voice”: “en-US-Standard-BS”,
“credential”: {
“json”: { MY JSON CRED TXT}
“module”: “google_cloud”
The above does not work…
But when I look in to the tts file there is no case for google_cloud.
I have had a look around and it appears others have got it to work.
Is the a dev version I can look at?
Have any recent users got it to work??
Thank you.

just guessing here, but for the non-cloud Google-TTS value for “lang” is “en”, maybe worth a try here…

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