New Podcast Skill

Skill name: Podcasts

User story:

I would be happy to have a skill which would enable the user to listen to Podcasts and to browse through them.

What third party services, data sets or platforms will the Skill interact with?
Podcast platforms such as iTunes

Are there similar Mycroft Skills already?
I think there was some skill from James Poole (GitHub - JamesPoole/podcast-skill: A skill for the Mycroft AI platform to play the users favourite podcasts), but that seems not to work anymore.

What will the user Speak to trigger the Skill?
E.g. “Play the latest episode of the podcast Lage der Nation”

What phrases will Mycroft Speak?
“Playing the latest episode of the podcast Lage der Nation”

What Skill Settings will this Skill need to store?
I don’t know

Other comments?
I am a new user of Mycroft but I am willing to help in developing the skill as much as I can

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Nobody has an idea? :slight_smile:

I did a tiny amount of research on this a few days ago. I found which does podcast indexing, and offers an API, and it’s free for limited usage. But AFAICT it cannot track play location, so I was hoping to find something that did.

Also, James Poole’s podcast skill seems to still work for me.

tell us where it breaks, so someone might fork it and bring it up to speed.

This seems highly practical and useful, and perhaps simple to implement the basic functionality. I’ve added it to our community development list, which I’ll share publicly soon. :slight_smile: