PROBLEM Creating new Wake Word

Hoping someone will point me in the right direction. I’ve been watching a video re creating a new wake word. Looks straight forward EXCEPT!
Followed the instructions to stop services and then “mycroft-config edit user”
I’m then presented with "GNU 3.2 /tmp/mycroftjson " as per video
max.allowed core_version :21.2
and that’s it. Nothing mentioned about wake word etc that I’ve seen in videos and transcripts
Where am I going wrong?

Yeah i’ve had the same, and if i change that config, it just gets overwritten. So instead i just change the config in mycroft-core/mycroft/configuration, thats the one that i have all my settings in. Works for me. Hope it helps!

Thanks for the info I’ll give it a try

Ivanhoe I take it you are referring to in the afore mentioned directory.
If so, I see no reference to wake word in that directory. Are you saying you put the entire wake word script in that directory. I can see wake word references in that directory but in mycroft.conf.
I’m a newbie so further explanation appreciated.

Should have said can’t see wake word references in directory

No, not, its “mycroft.conf” file, sorry i didnt mention it, its where all your mycroft configuration is. And there you should have a block for precise, shouldnt be too hard to find.
For example, here is how my block looks like, with my custom wake word:

// Hotword configurations
“hotwords”: {
“petra”: {
“module”: “precise”,
“lang”: “en-us”,
“local_model_file”: “/home/perce/mycroft-precise/petra1.pb”,
“sensitivity”: 0.4,
“trigger_level”: 4

Ivan I tried to nano my config but somehow ended up losing the mic input. Rebuilt and all back to normal.
I’ve attached my current config file
What do I need to change to replace Mycroft with HAL
// Hotword configuration
“hotwords”: {
“hey Mycroft” }
“module”: “precision”,
“phonemes”: “HH EY . M AY K R AO F T”,
“threshold”: 1c-90,
“lang” “en-us”
// Specify custom model via:
//”local_model_file”: “/. Local/share/Mycroft,
?? Precise options:
// “sensitivity”: 0.5, //Higher = more sensitivity
// “trigger_level”: 3 // Higher = more delay
“wake up”: {
“module” : “pocketsphinx”,
“phonemes”: “W EY K . AH P”.
“threshold”: 1e-20,
“lang” : “eng-us”

its weird that it says module: “precision”, it should be “precise”… also missing column in lang attribute.

What you can do is just copy-paste my config, just change the path to local pb file, and also the name of the hotword, mine says “petra” , yours should probably be “hey Mycroft” if this is the default config file.

so something like this:

// Hotword configurations
“hotwords”: {
“hey Mycroft”: {
“module”: “precise”,
“lang”: “en-us”,
“local_model_file”: “PATH TO YOUR LOCAL HAL.PB FILE”,
“sensitivity”: 0.5,
“trigger_level”: 3

Ivan the ‘precision’ is my typo. I’ll give it another go tomoorow. It’s definitely only this file I need to alter?

yes, thats where you define what listener is going to be used.

// Hotword configurations
“hotwords”: {
“hey hal”: {
“module”: “precise”,
“lang”: “en-us”,
“local_model_file”: “PATH TO YOUR LOCAL HAL.PB FILE”,
“sensitivity”: 0.5,
“trigger_level”: 3

Ivan used your format substituting hal for mycroft.
No joy just errors and failed to load.
Double checked all syntax ok but still unable to change wake word.
Thanks for trying

Ivan how did you create petra1.db. THAT seems to be the problem

.pb files are created with “precise-convert” script, after you have trained your wake word with precise-train, you need to convert it with precise-convert to .pb format and only then can you use it in mycroft.
For any of that to work you have to have mycroft-precise installed from source.