Running Mycroft for Docker


I’m trying to install Mycroft in (or with, I don’t know what’s the correct language here) docker on Raspberry Pi OS.
I’m following these instructions: Docker - Mycroft AI.
But suddenly they stop being a step-by-step manual and they assume knowledge I don’t have.

That begins at “Running Mycroft for Docker”. I know some basic terminal commando’s and understand Linux beginner-level. I can follow instructions and logically fix minor errors or missing steps. But I really don’t understand the first thing of setting a PULSE_SERVER env variable and the page it refers to is completely over my head. Same with Sharing Pulseaudio’s cookie.

The next commando’s won’t copy to the terminal, and I copy-paste the first line, I get an argument-missing error.

Is there a more step-by-step guide? It downloaded and installed a bunch of stuff, I think I’m almost there, but with the info on that page I can’t figure it out…

Thanks for any pointers.

I recommend you use this docker image instead, hopefully the readme is enough to get you started, if not just ask for help again

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Thank you very much JarbasAI.
What with all the steps I already did? How can I delete all what I installed? I know how to remove/purge normal installed programs, but not how I do it with these Docker-stuff. Or is a lot of it similar to what you propose, so that I can just leave it?

(I use the AIY Google Voice HAT v1, the speaker and microphone already work in Raspberry OS)

You will have to keep Docker install but all the steps related to images pull and containers creation will have to be undo.

$ docker rm CONTAINERID
$ docker rmi $(docker images -q)

Ansible needs Raspberry Pi OS 64bits, I have 32bits installed.
Is it a bad idea to install the above image without Smartgic/Ansible?

Thanks for helping me remove the previous installation from Docker, goldyfruit!

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I wrote the Ansible role on a RPi 64-bit but it should work on a RPi 32-bit.

This is what i call ambition. smartgic=goldyfruit. And no, Ansible is just to prep the pi4 to start from a even/favorable level. There’s the 64bit version. Imho, i would start fresh.

I know, it wouldn’t be that much work more.

It’s not that I look up against the work, but that I’m not sure what exactly I installed or configured up until now.

AND I’m impatient to try Mycroft :slight_smile:

Hi Goldyfruit,
I’m stuck at “sudo -v dev”, I get “sudo: opdracht niet gevonden” something like: command not found. The file is there and is executable. What do I do wrong?

Did you install docker-compose?

Docker is of course required and docker-compose is a nice to have to simplify the whole process.

Yes, I did!

I’ll double check…

EDIT: and appareantly not. Sorry. The install-process got stuck on

  │ Newer kernel available                                                  │ 
  │                                                                         │ 
  │ The currently running kernel version is 5.10.63-v7l+ which is not the   │ 
  │ expected kernel version 5.10.63-v8+.                                    │ 
  │                                                                         │ 
  │ Restarting the system to load the new kernel will not be handled        │ 
  │ automatically, so you should consider rebooting."

With “stuck” I mean: I restarted my computer but then forgot finishing the installation…

Or not, because now I get: “Requirement already satisfied: docker-compose in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (1.21.0)”

About using RPI OS 64bit: There are troubles with the Google Voice HAT and Bullseye.
And I really want to use that speaker and microphone… So I’ll go back to 32 bit…

There are debian buster (and sid(=unstable)) packages for 64 if i read this correctly.

it takes ages in debian to get from testing to latest stable (ie bullseye)

you could test if it is reachable from bullseye/testing

OK, thanks. I’ll check it out.
I decided to use a PiCroft-image instead of using the Docker and I have another image with 64 bit RPI OS.

I thought Bullseye was the 64bit-version, I now see that’s incorrect.

There is no official Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit Bullseye image but using the Buster image and upgrade it to Bullseye is pretty simple.

pi@rpi4b01:~ $ uname -a
Linux rpi4b01 5.10.63-v8+ #1459 SMP PREEMPT Wed Oct 6 16:42:49 BST 2021 aarch64 GNU/Linux
pi@rpi4b01:~ $ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release:	11
Codename:	bullseye

Yes yes, that, I know, I used this image:

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