[SOLVED] Want to upgrade from 8.16 core

Just getting started with my Mark 1. Current version is 8.16. I would like to upgrade to the latest version, but I’m not having much luck with what I’ve found so far. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

Hi there @relytgerg.

We have some instructions for upgrading your Mark 1 from older software versions here;

Can you let me know if these instructions work for you?

Kind regards,


I had already tried “install platform patch” and that doesn’t work:

install platform patch DEBUG output

installing mycroft-skills.log, oth
An error occurred while processing mycroft-speech-client.l
a request in SkillInstallerSkill

I was hoping to avoid reimaging the SD card. Is it worth first trying “sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade” from the command line?


Yes that’s definitely worth trying @relytgerg


It looks like it might be time to reimage the SD card. I tried “sudo apt-get update” first by itself. It completed but gave errors:

pi@mark_1:~ $ sudo apt-get update
Err http://repo.mycroft.ai debian InRelease
W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://repo.mycroft.ai debian InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1498079146 KEYEXPIRED 1498079146 KEYEXPIRED 1498079146 KEYEXPIRED 1498079146

W: Failed to fetch http://repo.mycroft.ai/repos/apt/debian/dists/debian/InRelease

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

I then ran “sudo apt-get upgrade” which completed successfully. However, when I run “apt list --installed | grep mycroft-core” I still get “mycroft-core/unknown,now 0.8.16 armhf [installed]” - so I guess I’m left with Option 1: Burn a new disk image to the Micro SD card - unless you have any other ideas.



Made some more progress. Found another thread and ran “sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys F3B1AA8B” - This allowed “sudo apt-get update” to run without errors. “sudo apt-get upgrade” then ran very quickly with only a few lines of output ending with “The following packages have been kept back:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.”

A reboot and version check yielded “mycroft-core/now 0.8.16 armhf [installed,upgradable to: 18.2.3]”

Will the Mark1 now try to update on it’s own overnight? Or, should I be doing something else?



Great progress!
Next, try
sudo apt-get install mycroft-core


Started it off and went away for 30 minutes or more. It seemed to complete without error and I was back at a command prompt. The Mark1 had yellow eyes and was unresponsive, so I rebooted. Six hours later now and it’s still showing yellow eyes and unresponsive.

What’s next?



Success! I tried one more reboot and the prodigal son returned. Version check now gives:

mycroft-core/unknown,now 18.2.3 armhf [installed]

Thanks for everything.

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Awesome! Great to hear it’s working for you, thanks for confirming :slight_smile:
Enjoy all the new features.