STT, Asterisk = *

Hi there, so the topic title is not very great but anyway, Im using the skill-autogui in order to get mycroft to type my voice commands in mysql.

for example
I say hey mycroft, type select * from table
but when i say asterisk, mycroft types asterisk instead of the *.

It would be the same for other symbols as well, the @, the #, $ , the ; etc…

is there anyway around this or change it.

Maybe a change here…

def handle_type_intent(self, message):
text =‘Text’)
pyautogui.typewrite(text, interval=0.05)


def handle_type_intent(self, message):
text =‘Text’) .replace(“asterisk”, “*”)
pyautogui.typewrite(text, interval=0.05)

or something to that affect.

Or how about a new skill?
“Hey Mycroft… Show me all the records in myTable for the past 24 hours” :wink:
I actually think something like this would be amazing to have in my line of work where we log system errors and events for automated machinery.
“Hey Mycroft… Show me the top ten faults generated in the past 24 hours on widget machine number 1”
“Hey Mycroft… How many widgets has machine 2 produced today”

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I’m going to ping @forslund here just in case he’s seen this in the past and has some ideas of how it should be handled.

Thank you so much. That solved that problem. I started to place other characters in as well such as the , . @. Although the ; % and = doesnt seem to work for it so far but it is working for all the others.

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