Testing and Feedback - Find a movie/series across your streaming services

I got tired of searching through all of my streaming services to figure out where I can watch a particular movie or TV show. I wrote a skill called “video-finder-skill” that lets you ask Mycroft where you can watch it instead of manually searching. All feedback is appreciated. I hope this is helpful to others!

How to install video-finder-skill

  • Install video-finder-skill by …

  • video-finder-skill connects to IMDb and Utelly via RapidAPI. It also connects to Plex directly using your Plex credentials (if applicable).

How to configure video-finder-skill

You will need to create an account at RapidAPI and subscribe to IMDb and Utelly. This is free, but you’ll be required to provide a credit card in case you go over the free limit. In the skill settings, you’ll need to provide your API keys and host values. You also need to specify a country code and a list of streaming services to search. Finally, if you use Plex you’ll need to enter your Plex credentials. More details about this and all configuration options can be found in the video-finder-skill GitHub page.

How to test video-finder-skill

  • Configure skill settings as described on the GitHub README
  • Identify a movie in one of your streaming services for testing purposes. For example, the movie Die Hard starring Bruce Willis.
  • Ask Mycroft “Where can I watch Die Hard?”
  • Mycroft will present you with the top three IMDb results to choose from.
  • Respond with “(find|get|I want|looking for) the (first|second|third) one”
  • Mycroft should search all of your streaming services and tell you where the film is available, or tell you that it wasn’t found. Make sure this output matches what you expect.

You can also specify an actor in the film. In this case, Mycroft will choose the top IMDb result and automatically search for that title instead of presenting you with options.

  • “Where can I awtch Die Hard starring Bruce Willis?”
  • “Where can I watch the Bruce Willis movie Die Hard?”

Indicate clearly what constitutes a pass criterion for the Skill, and what constitutes a fail criterion.

Where feedback on video-finder-skill should be directed

Feel free to post feedback here in this thread or via a GitHub issue.