THEIA IDE skill - New and better

Ohh and one nice thing - now Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V works in the terminal. :slight_smile:

And if you are missing the minimap like I did, and couldnt figure out why, and then it were just a setting :slight_smile: Open settings from file menu and add “editor.minimap.enabled”: true

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I really like your skill and use it almost every day. My raspberry is very slow and I noticed ust that the skill only runs on one core. would multicore be possible?

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Glad to hear. I dont know… I Will se if that is posible.
I am on My way to make a New build with New stuff from upstream.
But febugging is not yet working. But lots of other small change :slight_smile:

I cant find a easy wy to use multicore :frowning: the Theia IDE runs on node and I cant se any way to change the behavior.
That beeing said the IDE does most of the heavy stuff clientside, but it uses some memmory when running. You could mybe get better performance by using zram - a way to compress the memmory to make more avaibaly.
Look here

I use zram and have encresed the swap when building the IDE as it takes up lots of memmory….

Just awsome - I got debuging working. So next build will incude debuging


That is seriously cool, nice work!!!

Cannot install the skill on my Mark I, this is the error.

 17:41:40.752 | INFO     | 19077 | mycroft.skills.settings:get_local_settings:78 | /opt/mycroft/skills/theia-ide.andlo/settings.json
 17:41:40.825 | INFO     | 19077 | TheiaIde | Initialize THEIA IDE...
 17:41:40.833 | INFO     | 19077 | mycroft.skills.skill_loader:_check_for_first_run:251 | First run of theia-ide.andlo
 17:41:40.865 | WARNING  | 19077 | mycroft.skills.settings:store:438 | DEPRECATED - use mycroft.skills.settings.save_settings()
 17:41:40.870 | INFO     | 19077 | mycroft.skills.settings:save_settings:109 | Skill settings successfully saved to /opt/mycroft/skills/theia-ide.andlo/settings.json
 17:41:40.878 | INFO     | 19077 | mycroft.skills.skill_loader:_communicate_load_status:270 | Skill theia-ide.andlo loaded successfully
 17:41:40.885 | ERROR    | 19077 | mycroft.skills.skill_manager:_load_skill:201 | Load of skill /opt/mycroft/skills/theia-ide.andlo failed!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/venvs/mycroft-core/lib/python3.4/site-packages/mycroft/skills/", line 199, in _load_skill
  File "/opt/venvs/mycroft-core/lib/python3.4/site-packages/mycroft/skills/", line 113, in load
  File "/opt/venvs/mycroft-core/lib/python3.4/site-packages/mycroft/skills/", line 177, in _load
  File "/opt/venvs/mycroft-core/lib/python3.4/site-packages/mycroft/skills/", line 285, in _upload_settings_meta
  File "/opt/venvs/mycroft-core/lib/python3.4/site-packages/mycroft/skills/", line 244, in upload
  File "/opt/venvs/mycroft-core/lib/python3.4/site-packages/mycroft/skills/", line 288, in _update_settings_meta
  File "/opt/venvs/mycroft-core/lib/python3.4/site-packages/mycroft/skills/", line 193, in skill_gid
    skill = skills[str(self.skill_directory)]
KeyError: '/opt/mycroft/skills/theia-ide.andlo'

Also fails on Arch Linux

 20:00:34.312 | INFO     |  4836 | msm.skill_entry | Downloading skill:
 20:00:35.770 | INFO     |  4836 | msm.skill_entry | Installing system requirements...
 20:00:35.771 | WARNING  |  4836 | msm.skill_entry | Failed to launch package manager: Package manager not found!
 20:00:35.771 | INFO     |  4836 | msm.skill_entry | Installing requirements.txt for theia-ide
 20:00:38.558 | INFO     |  4836 | msm.skill_entry | Successfully installed theia-ide
 20:00:38.558 | INFO     |  4836 | msm.mycroft_skills_manager | invalidating skills cache
 20:00:39.070 | INFO     |  4836 | mycroft.skills.settings:save_settings:109 | Skill settings successfully saved to /opt/mycroft/skills/mycroft-installer.mycroftai/settings.json
 20:00:39.960 | INFO     |  4836 | mycroft.skills.skill_loader:load:112 | ATTEMPTING TO LOAD SKILL: theia-ide.andlo
 20:00:39.969 | INFO     |  4836 | mycroft.skills.settings:get_local_settings:78 | /opt/mycroft/skills/theia-ide.andlo/settings.json
 20:00:39.980 | INFO     |  4836 | TheiaIde | Initialize THEIA IDE...
 20:00:39.983 | INFO     |  4836 | mycroft.skills.settings:save_settings:109 | Skill settings successfully saved to /opt/mycroft/skills/theia-ide.andlo/settings.json
 20:00:39.990 | ERROR    |  4836 | mycroft.skills.skill_loader:_create_skill_instance:240 | Skill initialization failed with TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "NoneType") to str')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/malevolent/development/mycroft-core/mycroft/skills/", line 234, in _create_skill_instance
  File "/opt/mycroft/skills/theia-ide.andlo/", line 36, in initialize
  File "/opt/mycroft/skills/theia-ide.andlo/", line 88, in install_theia
    "Downloading precompiled package for the " + platform + " platform.")
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "NoneType") to str
 20:00:39.992 | ERROR    |  4836 | mycroft.skills.skill_loader:_communicate_load_status:277 | Skill theia-ide.andlo failed to load

For the moment it is only made for Picroft. Support for Mark I is problematic as it is running on Raspbian jessie and there are missing some parts for it to work well.

Support for other linuex (on x86) will come as soon as I get debugging feature working and also remake the installation skill.

It is cool and even cooler when debug is working :slight_smile:

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Good news! I’ll wait then for the x86 version :slight_smile:
thank you andlo!

I wonder if this can be combined with this;

Just don’t have the time, to give it a go myself.

Me too were thinking in this way, but not I also dont have the time. I am planning on making precompiled package for picroft and maybe markI and markII, and a generic package for other installations (that compile on installation assuming that it is on a machine stronger than the pi).

Right now I am waiting on upstrem ptvsd to provide fixes so that I can include debuging the running skills. Also hoping on getting the IDE branded with mycroft logo and include mycroft documentation right inside the menu.

I got most of it running, but had to do to many tricks and workarounds and want i to be easy for a user to get it up and running just by installing the skill.

I hopefully gets more time soon when outside activities is turned down due to the dark time we are going into (winter is the dark time :slight_smile: )