We need a Dinkum Dev-Community ASAP

Also true :thinking:

I don’t know, all we can do is wait and see. If all the Mycroft servers go down, I guess we went the complete other way. :crazy_face:


I said I’d create a contributions section. I started a discussion on standards in the repo Skill Porting Standards · Discussion #1 · jmillerv/mycroft2-skills · GitHub

If people aren’t on github, I’d appreciate a reply here on how good contribution.md files. I’ve never maintained a collaborative repo before. Also, some good links to community accepted ways of doing python. A lot of my preferences and practices come from Go and PHP but I’d prefer to start with what people who use Python full time do.

Based on everything I’m seeing so far, I think it’s highly likely I end up doing work on Ovos or Neon but I’d like to give the 1st party stack an earnest shot. I don’t have a ton of time to dedicate to developing (few hours a week at most) but many hands make light work.


They are working some. I’ve seen Kris(gex-mycroft) in the forums and chat.

Thank you for your effort so far.
I’m not a developer perse, but once I get the two MkIIs I ordered, I’ll be able to help in some sort of way for sure.
I’m thinking of setting up each with a different OS, and compare…

Yeah, I kind of wish I had a second one to compare Neon AI against without rebooting and swapping USBs.

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@jmillerv, I just checked in with our team and we’ve got a couple of Mark II dev kits from our work the last few years that we are not using now. Could you put one of those to good use?

To be clear, you’ll need to assemble the dev kit, its in-house 3-D printed housing isn’t white, and Daniel says the LED lights may not act exactly the same as the production Mark II. In all other ways it is the same, so it would give you a second machine for development and testing.

A robust community with multiple open source operating systems for the Mark II is our goal. Supporting your work in the Mark II Neon / OVos / Mycroft community in this way seems like a good use of our resources in support of that goal.

If you would find the dev kit useful just let me know and I will send it to the same address as your Neon AI OS boot drive.


Hi, sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

I’m just seeing this. Been catching up at work from the holiday break. I could definitely put it to good use and would immediately start working with Neon on it. I’ve got some time off coming up and am hoping to use a bit of it for my open source work.

My tomorrow goal is to finish converting that Sing skill.

Thank you so much!

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Glad to hear it! I’ll send it your way :slight_smile: though it may not go out until Monday.

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No worries. Tonight, I’m going to try and implement one of my suggestions into the bark skill I converted.

Thank you so much!

I got the Flash drive.

At the moment, I’m dedicating at least one evening a week to mycroft development. I try to blog through what I’m learning and just keep notes on developing for mycroft. NeonAI related things are likely to end up under that tag until I decide it needs to be two separate tags.

Nothing too exciting at the moment but here it is: